i’m thrilled to tell you! \ Art Notes- June ’19 \
yes, i am thrilled to share that my work was just accepted into 2 different exhibitions. firstly, in the last note to you i mentioned that things seem to be moving in a new direction…feels sort of like a re-birth. i decided to submit one of the new works to the NY Photo Curator Global Photography Awards competition entitled ‘The Window‘. well, i just found out this week that my image ‘An Immutable Spark’ not only was accepted but received the 2nd Place honor. woot, i’m over the moon. this is especially sweet since i have the utmost respect for the juror, Deb Schwedhelm & admiration for her work.
Review by curator Deb Schwedhelm:
“Gosh, this is such a well done portrait made through the window. This is another image that stopped me in my tracks with the perfect balance of photographing through, while simultaneously capturing the perfect reflection of the outdoors.
The subject placement could not be more perfect and the black and white processing is gorgeous. I honestly had an extremely hard time selecting first and second places and if I could have had two first places, I would have. Bravo, Shana — this image is fantastic!”
and, for some brief photographic history, in the call for entry Deb Schwedhelm states, “The window is where it all began and so for this submission, I’d like to circle right back around to — the window. Made in 1826 by French Inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, the “View from the Window at Le Gras” is considered to be the first photograph. And, metaphorically, the camera can be considered a room, while the lens can be viewed as window through which photographs are projected. The window has literally and figuratively been linked to the photographic process since the very beginning…”
the next exhibition is The 2019 Photographs in Conversation Exhibition at Lenscratch of which my image, ‘The Slenderest Threads’ has been included. this diptych is part of my series Compost. it’s really interesting how certain photographs communicate with each other…have a peek at the work, it’s sure to delight.

‘The Slenderest Threads’
feel free to hit reply and let me know what you think….
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A Salon Pop-up Exhibit!
if you are around memorial day weekend come stop by the opening of the The Salon Pop-Up Exhibit at foto foto gallery in Huntington, NY. i have 3 new pieces in the exhibition that i’m excited to share.
the opening is Saturday, May 25th from 5 – 7pm. if you’ll be out of town for the holiday then please stop by the gallery the week before anytime between Monday May 20th – Thursday, May 23rd (12 – 6pm) & Friday, May 24th (12 – 8pm). feel free to message me if you plan to stop by during the week as i would love to meet you there if i’m able. oh, and please keep in mind this is a one week only exhibition!

‘What Could Have Been’
warmly from,

hoping for a spring awakening \ Art Notes-April ’19 \
firstly, let me share that my work, ‘There’s No Immunity From Life’ received an Honorable Mention award in the L.A. Photo Curator: Global Photography Awards. the exhibition was juried by Jody Miller; named by Lensculture as one of “21 Great Female Photographers”. she chose the theme “Solace” asking:
“What about your imagery inspires solace? Gives you solace? In these troubled times, art can help to heal our “spiritual virus”. I want to see the images that bring peace and comfort, cheer, support and relief to you.”
it’s real nice having work recognized. this piece is from my series ‘Compost’, which is now complete and in the editing stage. i must confess this is proving to be a very trying phase. distilling down years of images into a final edit that tell the story most pointedly requires keen discernment as well as a letting go of beloved images. sigh. i’m actually in the middle of doing this for two completed series simultaneously. the rub is that i’ve run into some big stumbling blocks along the way – lack of needed photography equipment as well as printer & computer failures (currently without the means to rectify this) AND health challenges – both have slowed me considerably. frankly, it’s getting harder and harder to continue…i do keep trying however. call me crazy.
here are a few more from ‘Compost’:

‘What Could Have Been’

‘The Peril of Flight’
following are some images from ‘The Year I Got Left Back’ series. these were made as a visceral response to a recent personal traumatic event. adrift and suspended in time i found myself led by an inexplicable impulse. in these places i found either an offering, a mirror to the frightful inner landscape and/or a momentary reprieve from a looming outcome.

‘On The Other Side’

‘The Hidden Pumpkin’

‘Winter Is A Song I Know’
lastly, here’s a peek at a potentially new direction i seem to be moving in…

‘An Immutable Spark’
i will surely let you know when both series are published as well as when further exhibition news occurs. feel free to hit reply and let me know what you think….
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surprise, my year end review \ Art Notes-Dec ’18 \
what a year it’s been. since i was unable to write you quarterly as i had hoped i decided to send my art happenings as a year end review. i hope it touches you in some way, adds to the beauty and possibility the promise of a new year offers.
at the beginning of the year my image, ‘A Guide To Obscurity‘ was chosen for The Print Swap and published on Feature Shoot’s instagram. it was also published at years end on Lenscratch Blog as part of the ‘Dark Nights’ Exhibition. i highly recommend having a peek…there’s some really great work.

‘Refuge’ is from my series ‘Compost‘, was which was chosen by juror, Ann M. Jastrab for the 13th National Photography Competition that took place at foto foto Gallery in Huntington, NY back in January.

two of my images – ‘Roots’ and ‘The Abyss’ were chosen for the ‘Under The Sun’ Summer 2018 Exhibition at The Curated Fridge, in Somerville, MA in August 2018. my work was fortunate enough to again be chosen by the juror, Ann M. Jastrab. these are both from my series, ‘Compost’.

‘Anger is The Purest Form of Care’
then in october my image, ‘Anger is the Purest Form of Care’ was chosen for the international juried exhibition ‘Nocturnal’ that took place at ph21 Gallery in Budapest, Hungary. this is the 2nd time my work was chosen by Zsolt Bátori for the gallery. too bad i couldn’t be there in person. sigh. there’s a photo from the opening night below where you can sort of see my image on the wall if you look real close. 😉

‘Catching Light’

‘Out On A Limb’
also in october, LA Photo Curator: International Photography Awards held the ‘The Dramatic Landscape’ Exhibition…and although my work did not receive an award i’m grateful that they did publish 3 of my images. the juror was Michael Kirchoff.

‘From Destruction Comes Creation’
i was over the moon to discover my work was chosen by juror, Douglas Beasley…an artist, teacher, curator and publisher that i greatly admire. the theme was open. ‘From Destruction Comes Creation’ is both in the permanent on-line gallery as well as included in the exhibition catalogue at PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury VT. apparently, october was a good month.
‘Aunt Violet #7’ received an Honorable Mention award in the ‘Confronting Mortality’ Exhibition at the LA Photo Curator: International Photography Awards . the juror was Jane Szabo and i couldn’t be more pleased!
below are the 3 images published in this exhibition.
and finally, the following note landed in my inbox as a complete surprise! what a nice way to end the year photographically. it’s the first time my work was selected without me trying…i can get used to this. 😉 please take a look at Don’t Take Pictures Magazine – it’s easy to loose yourself on their site.

going forward i will be focusing on editing two completed body’s of work; ‘Compost’ which took place over about a 4 year period and for the past 2 years ‘The Year I Got Left Back’. i look forward to releasing them as soon as i’m able.
i’m extremely grateful for your continued support of my work. wishing you so much goodness in new year.
with gratitude from,

Budapest Bound! \ Art Notes-June ’16 \
‘To Risk’
yes, my work is headed to Budapest! 2 pieces that is; ‘Aunt Violet #4’ and ‘To Risk’. i’m super excited and grateful, as you can imagine. the international juried exhibition ‘Intimacy’ takes place June 2nd-28th at the PH21 Gallery. here’s an excerpt from the exhibition call:
“Intimacy is an elusive concept. While it is most commonly understood in terms of what can be described as a close and affectionate relationship or interaction between two people, the notion of intimacy goes beyond the interpersonal….”
this is the 3rd time ‘To Risk’ has been in an exhibition, you may remember the others.
‘Aunt Violet #4‘, which is from my series Aunt Violet, was granted an Honorable Mention, which i must admit is rather absurd timing. the week leading up to this very announcement, i had been jotting down my thoughts about awards in art exhibitions. i have always found them peculiar, unnecessary, etc. after all, the show is juried by an esteemed person or panel, which means the work has already been judged exceptional or it would not have made it into the exhibition. so why elevate a few, diminishing the rest? rhetorically speaking, that is. and then voila, for the 1st time my work receives such an award! the irony. so how do i feel about it now that i received an honor? well, of course my ego was happy, it felt nice however once digested, i still question the necessity and wonder why it became a ‘thing’, the norm, in the art world?
i’ve had many conversations about this over the last couple of weeks and while several feel as i do, others pointed out how ‘important’ this is for my art career. hmmm. i remain unconvinced, yet open & welcome other viewpoints.
‘Aunt Violet #4’
additionally i just found out that my image, ‘Laurel Hollow’ was accepted into the exhibition, Plastic Fantastic VII at the Lightbox Photographic Gallery juried by the incredibly talented Susan Burnstine. all works for this show had to be created with plastic cameras…mine was made with a holga, which is a fun toy camera. this is the 4th time my work has been shown at this gallery, pretty cool. the exhibition opens June 11th from 6-8pm and runs through July 6th.
‘Laurel Hollow’
if you’re in any of these cities please stop by & take photos… i’d be grateful!
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More Good News. \ Art Notes-May ’16 \
‘A New Year’
i’m pleased to share that my work has been published on-line, as well as accepted into 2 more juried exhibitions.
firstly ‘A New Year’, was included in the Photo Independent Art Fair as part of the Mobile Photo Show Exhibition. The International Exposition of Contemporary Photography just took place in LA, April 30th- May 1st. it all happened so fast i didn’t have a chance to let you know! phew. this photo was made at my friends annual day after new years day party…i was mesmerized watching her dance. you can view the exhibition photos here.
‘Self-Portrait Study #2’
‘Self-Portrait Study #2‘ has been chosen by photolucida for the exhibition, “The Elevated Selfie: Beyond the Bathroom Mirror.” thank you to the jurors, Laura Moya and Laura Valenti! the exhibit will be at Lightbox-Photographic Gallery in Astoria, Oregon from May 14-June 7th and then travels to the Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, Mass., July 12 – Sept 13th
‘Self-Portrait Series Untitled #4’
and, finally, i submitted 3 photos to the exhibit ‘Figure in Landscape’ at the L.A. Photo Curator: International Photography Awards – ‘Where Photography & Philanthropy Meet. although the work didn’t win an award, all 3 are published on the exhibition site. i really appreciate their efforts to get emerging artists’ work seen. please view the exhibition here.
if you’re in any of these cities please stop by & take photos… i’d be grateful!
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Spring Photography News \ Art Notes-March ’16 \
‘Aunt Violet #7’
recently i’ve done a big push in submitting work to juried exhibitions and looks like it’s starting to pay off. i’m excited to announce that my work has been accepted into two new juried shows. firstly, this Saturday, March 12 is the opening of “Tribe” at the Lightbox Photographic Gallery in Astoria, Oregon where ‘Aunt Violet #7′ will be on view. The show runs through April 5th. here’s the artist statement about my series, Aunt Violet.
then, on July 1st is the reception for the exhibition,’Night’ at The Center for Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, CO. ‘Liam’ will be on view from June 17 -July 23. looks like i’m in great company.
‘Liam’ is a rare street photography image i made while sitting at a cafe. he was a barista i was quite fond of and enjoyed chatting with. after his shift ended he went outside for a smoke. as i watched through the window i was struck by his face & hair in the midst of all the lights and stepped out to make this photo.
unfortunately i’m unable to attend either so if you’re in the area & can stop by please take photos and send them along. i’d be grateful!
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