a proposition and an invite! \ Art Notes- August ’21 \
it’s been a while, huh? frankly, i cannot believe i’m managing to get this out, albeit last minute. there has been a lot going in my world that, for the most part, has kept my art out of reach.
firstly, i want to let you know that i have 6 pieces on view at b.j. spoke gallery in huntington, ny, as part of the 2021 Artist’s Choice exhibition. this is incredibly meaningful to me as it’s a reminder that yes, i am an artist, despite my inability lately to engage. Artist’s Choice is an annual community invitational exhibition in which b.j. spoke gallery members invite an artist they know and respect to show with them. lorraine carol, an abstract painter, (who with her daughter, was the subject of my series, ‘Compost’ ) – invited me to show my work alongside hers – lucky me. the show opened on August 4th and runs through August 29th.
this Saturday, August 14th, is the opening reception from 3:30 – 6 pm. i sure am hoping i’ll be able to get there myself. maybe i’ll see you there?
this leads me to the “proposition” part. when i was invited, my first thought was, ‘oh gosh, there is no way i can do this!’ i have been mired in a very disabling health crisis (a story for another time) and this seemed impossible on every level. (financially, physically, emotionally, etc.) yet, i kept feeling called to find a way. this offered a chance to re-connect with my art, and the art world at large. fortunately, i had these newer small works (8×10’s and 8×8’s) already printed & mated so framing was all that was needed. but honestly, i did not have the funds to do so. while discussing this dilemma with a close friend she came up with some creative possibilities for me to consider.
here’s the proposition:
If you fund the framing for me, you get one of the pieces!
It’s as simple as that. You choose the piece.
The cost is $195, which is considerably below the actual price of the piece (almost 1/2 off), especially for fully framed artwork ready to hang on your wall! They are finished in black wood gallery frames with gorgeous 8-ply mats.
several of these artworks have either been included in juried exhibitions and/or have been published. i’ve been dying to share the news about this and am hoping to in the near future!
all the pieces are currently available for sale at the gallery at full price. my work is typically available solely as prints.
if you’ve ever wanted to own my artwork this is a great opportunity to do so! and…you’ll be helping a struggling artist. a win-win. : )
* PLEASE reply to this email with your interest and/or questions as soon as possible. First come, first served. *
i would never have made it here without the great help of some incredible friends – you know who you are!
finally, please know that your support of me, and my work − by attending my gallery exhibitions, offering ongoing positive commentary, inquiring about & purchasing my work, et al − is felt regardless of time & distance, and means the world to me.
with gratitude from,