A New Series Begins \ Art Notes Monthly – Dec ’14 \
the start of a new series is filled with excitement, trepidation and expectancy. there’s a passive component imbued with much contemplation before the work actually begins. sometimes it’s a brief period and at others it can be quite lengthy. like this time. i did alot of writing, reading and non-doing before i ever shot the 1st frame. for one thing it was the first time necessary to locate the right subjects. as you probably know by now, i’ve always photographed who i know & love – those already in my sphere. as fate would have it the divine placed lorraine and her daughter, isabella in my life. we share a passion and appreciation for all things art, children and beauty. its been super fun and enlivening.
so much about this new series has turned my working process on it’s head. aside from carefully choosing my new subjects i also decided to take more control by directing the shoot. consequently, i choose the location, clothing and positioning of my subjects. this has been very challenging for someone like me whose work has been mostly responsive, candid and conversational. as much as i come to this work with particular ideas there is still much room for spontaneity. the process may best be described as a hybrid of both styles. and since i always follow where the work leads me, i’m excited to see where we’ll end up!
the working title for this series is Compost where i create the narrative between mother and daughter. the following quote has been the north star of the series:
“… human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, … life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.”
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
i’m sure to share more as the series develops.
i have been posting alot of work on INSTAGRAM – come FOLLOW ME there!
thanks so much for being here!
cheers and happiest holidays from

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