A Handmade Book \ Art Notes Monthly-Sept ’14 \
over the recent past i’ve been experimenting like crazy with the iphone for photo making. it’s ease of use has certainly freed me to shoot wherever & whatever calls to me in the moment. a luxury i do not experience with my film cameras. they take preparedness, physical stamina and, because of film developing expenses, require much more intentional shooting than i’m doing now. while discretion is just as important to me now, every frame with film is much more carefully chosen so as not to be wasteful!
“Take your pleasure seriously.” Charles Eames
Handmade Book Prototype
“For nothing is pleasing to God except the invention of beautiful and exalted things.” William Blake
i’ve amassed quite a collection in a short period of time which begs the question, what to do with them all?! for me, the digital medium is missing something fundamental to my working process; the tactile experience of my craft through developing film, touching negatives & pouring over proof prints. i found myself missing the handcrafted. to that end i started crafting a handmade book to showcase this new series. without any knowledge of bookbinding i’m not quite sure how to bring this from prototype to fulfillment? if you have any pointers i’d be most grateful!
with my analog work the opposite is true – i’ve harbored a desire to publish a traditional black & white photography book. it’s an enormous undertaking that little by little i’m chipping away at.
i guess it’s about balance. balancing the intimacy with the immediate.
i have been posting on INSTAGRAM – come have a look!
what do you think? let me know in the comments below. don’t be shy. i’d be honored.
also which particular image(s) would you like to know more about? i’d love to feature it in a future “art notes monthly” installment. for ideas you can look in the galleries here & here.
thanks so much for being here!
cheers from