You probably didn’t know this… \ Art Notes Monthly – June ’14 \
in the early days of my art journey i was the lucky recipient of lots of film from former analog shooters that were cleaning out their stash. they had already made the switch to digital & were all too happy to rid themselves of it all and i was all too grateful to receive it! this included rolls of both black & white and color film. i eagerly began shooting with no allegiance to either. as much as i was very pleased with many of the color images, before long i was mesmerized by what came through in black & white. it was like i was peeking through a portal to other realms, pulling me in. there was so much more that met my eye than was on that flat, two dimensional paper.
color appealed to all my senses yet the b&w penetrated beyond what was immediately perceptible. only after the allure of color itself was eliminated were these depths and layers revealed. lurking in the shadows it was as if the duality of the whole universe was looking back at me. highlights, mid-tones and shadows all reflected the depths of human experience. i was hooked.
“I see in color but feel in black & white.” Michael Pointer
for some reason i wanted to share with you some of the original color photos i made. maybe because lately, i started creating some color photos using the iphone’s instagram app? it’s definitely a playful way to photograph. although…i still tend to convert most of the images to black & white. just can’t help myself! feel free to follow along on instagram.
on another note, i’m pleased to tell you that my image, The Deep Fog, has received an honorable mention in the 2014 juried International Call for Entry through the Professional Women Photographers organization. as soon as it’s published i’ll let you know! i wrote about the image back in february.
The Deep Fog
what do you think? please, do let me know in the comments below. don’t be shy. i’d be honored.
also which particular image(s) would you like to know more about? i’d love to feature it in a future “Art Notes Monthly” installment. for ideas you can look in the galleries here & here.
thanks so much for being here!
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cheers from