Evolution – \ Art Notes Monthly – May ’14 \
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hi all!
this image is from the series, Connective Tissue. i took the girls (maya & talia and their friend maya-yup!) to an open field near our house, where there is space to roam around, be silly, what have you – just be. it was a perfect late spring afternoon. i just loved being there with them!
primarily my art is about the love, intimacy and connection i have and feel for my subject. it is my world yet at the same time it becomes their world, our world. it then transcends me and my subject and becomes about belonging. yes, it’s about the universal longing and need to belong.
“What is faith if it’s not paying attention to what we belong to?” Sue Monk Kidd
what makes people connect? how do these bonds play out? how are the dynamics formed? what roles do we play? who decides? how is it decided? these are some of the many questions i was contemplating while making these pictures.
i hope when you view this & the others in this series it invites you to reflect on your own earlier experiences & wonders in this regard.
oh, i’ve already changed evolved the name of this section from the uninteresting “image of the month” to “Art Notes Monthly”. feels better already!
what do you think? please, do let me know in the comments below. don’t be shy. i’d be honored.
also which particular image(s) would you like to know more about? i’d love to feature it in a future “art notes monthly” installment. for ideas you can look in the galleries here & here.
thanks so much for being here!
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new post: my work is about the universal longing & need to belong. CLICK TO TWEET!
cheers from

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