The Beauty of Maya…
I keep discovering images that I previously overlooked. Images that didn’t make it into the final edits. I’ve been spending lots of time pouring over the work I did for the series, On the Periphery Life Going By. It’s a rather large body of work that was edited into 3 parts spanning 50 images total. Not only was this work focused solely on Maya & Talia for more than 4 years but the whole of my life very much revolved around them as well. When we met there was an immediate, soul connection. While I have always bonded easily with children, our connection felt the most natural. Although I have mothered many children, much to my deep sadness, I did not have the opportunity to birth my own. This is something I’ve been wrestling to come to terms with. A great longing I’ve harbored is to produce an on-going body of work of my own children, my own family. Shooting who & what I love is all I know to do. And this is the closest I’ve experienced mother as artist, artist as mother. Consequently, these years were an especially precious & sacred time for me. So many have said that my work reminded them of Sally Mann’s long before I ever knew who she was. As I came to know her work I felt enriched, shattered and admittedly, sometimes jealous. Not of the outcome, of course. I also came to recognize the intimate and familial parallels that others saw.
Sometimes I view the work as the artist that created it, pleased with new discoveries, while other moments I feel very nostalgic. Like a a proud momma witnessing the evolution of her children. It makes me weep. It brings me joy. Much like children can do. This collection is all Maya. A few are scattered about my website in this gallery but others are making their debut. Maya is passionate, intellectual, sensitive, creative and fiery.
And…would you look at that profile?! Sometimes she leaves me breathless.
I’ll likely post additional b-sides in the future from this series and others. You will have some new series to view in the new year. First one coming is Life Among The Savages. I’m developing some final pieces and finishing up the editing process.

shāna, Maya #1, ©2007

shāna, Maya #2, ©2004

shāna, Maya #3, ©2007

shāna, Maya #4, ©2006

shāna, Maya’s Mane, ©2004

shāna, Maya #6, ©2004

shāna, Maya #7, ©2007

shāna, Maya #8, ©2004

shāna, Maya #9, ©2004
Lastly, I’d like to let you know that my image, “Running in Snow”, was selected for Aline Smithson’s on-line 2012 Holiday Exhibition on her blog Lenscratch. I’m honored to be included amongst this collection of images.
Wishing you a happy everything in 2013.
As always, I would love to hear your thoughts & ideas in the comments below. While you’re at it, feel free to share the post by using the social media links below!
cheers from

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