Is there a such thing as “pure art”?
There is a great amount of photography that is conceptual. Conceived of and planned ahead of the camera actually meeting its subject. Similar, perhaps, to a cinematographer – methodically crafting a scene. My work is reflexive, responding to my subject’s words, heart, postures, longings, gestures, silences. Nuances connect me, inspire me. It’s when I feel most present. Andy Warhol stated:
“Pure art exists only on the level of instant response to pure life.”

Ashlee, shāna, ©2005

Buy Me Stuff, shāna, ©2007

Insanity is Contagious, shāna, ©2007
I know that many would argue the validity of his belief. I don’t necessarily agree as much as feel a deep kinship to his process. It certainly has been true for me. I can hardly work another way. Consequently, I couldn’t work as a commercial photographer. I have marveled at others whose art is both mapped out and successful. I’m attempting to do this in a new series, Punch The Bed. Medical scans layered with self-portraiture to become one. So far it’s been awkward and troublesome, yet the compulsion to continue persists.
As usual, I would love to hear your thoughts & ideas in the comments below. While you’re at it, feel free to share the post by using the social media links below as well. Thanks so much!
cheers from

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