A Mystical Tree
A little over a year ago I moved into a new place. The adjacent lot had been vacant for 3 plus years, since the owner passed away. There sits a small cottage on a large lush property. As fate would have it, the woman was an artist who lived in NYC and summered here. While I never met her, I was lucky enough to see the interior and feel her presence. It’s charming, worn, enchanting and littered with an artist’s touch – just as one might expect. It has soul.
The property has yet to sell, which is lucky for me as it provides an extended playground. Truthfully, I fantasize about owning it & since I’m currently unable to do so, the lack of turnover suits me just fine! There’s something magical about it, most especially that weeping beech tree. I go there often to sit, meditate, walk around, decompress; connect to source. Inspiration invariably emerges.
Would love to hear your thoughts & ideas in the comments below. While you’re at it, feel free to share the post by using the social media links below.
cheers from

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