My 1st TV interview!
Back in November I was approached by the oh so witty, supportive & straight shooting Elizabeth Cassidy of Coaching for the Creative Soul about being a featured artist on She thought my “story” (my italics) would be interesting and inspiring for people to hear & see. “Wow, yes, sure, thank you” stumbled off my tongue yet my insides were screaming no effing way! S c a r y stuff! Conflicted for sure but I knew this was a great opportunity to share my work – after all, this is the kind of thing us artists seek!
I have to admit it wasn’t easy. I was left feeling exposed, vulnerable & swirling with humiliation. BECAUSE…
I’d come face to face with this profound paradox: I really want to be heard YET I’m so afraid of using my voice. Exhale. More about that in a future post. For now I’d rather focus on how appreciative I feel that this whole thing came about. Thank you Elizabeth, Natalie, Waldo & Joe. For better or worse, I’m proud that I pushed through.
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cheers from

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