Have Patience & Keep The Faith

© shāna, “Insanity is Contagious“, 2007
I’ve had this self-imposed deadline as to when all my on-line development will be ‘finished’. The shiny new wordpress blog; portfolio & projects galleries complete on my site; plan for offering commissioned sessions fleshed out, just to name a few. Well, turns out, this is not going to happen – at least not all right now. Flowing along then crashing or flowing and then sidetracked by some challenge seems to be my rhythm. Crazy making, I admit.
But, you know what? There is no such thing as finished. I get it. It’s like a live organism, always morphing, growing and changing. So for the immediate future this is where my blog will remain. Very no frills, I know, but a blog nonetheless. A place to share, connect and discover. Everything else in my life occurs at a slower pace so why should this be any different? I would however, prefer what I consider the foundational elements to be in place sooner than later. I know, I just can’t help it.
“When you have a gift to offer, the world will make room for you. You must have patience and keep the faith.” Tyler Perry, Playwright.

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