Sustainability & Disclosure

© shāna, Moon Walk, 2004
So, I’ve been thinking alot lately about how to sustain a creative life while living with chronic illness as well as do I share that plight publicly? Mostly I have been hesitant to do so. Perhaps for fear of being put in some sort of box; of giving you, the reader, a particular imposed framework of just how to view me. Or not wanting to be so associated with the term “chronic illness”.
As Groucho Marx said, “I wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member.” I have all sorts of conflicting feelings around this. But in truth, although this does not define me and is only an aspect of the whole, it does inform most of my work as an artist and many of my daily decisions. So when I think of other people struggling with health challenges that may limit them perhaps writing about it can be of help to them as well. Because in spite of it all I scratch and claw my way through the madness.